Thursday, September 06, 2012

Supper with Peter & Yvonne Bayly at Bayly's Farm, Calitzdorp

The Baylys’ lovely farmhouse at the end of a beautiful valley. Mike Neebe of Axe Hill and Lynne discussing the dirt road which takes you there, which is quite an experience to those unused to driving on dirt
The far mountains have snow on the tops and in front are the Peter Bayly vines
A farm cat that has been tamed; those pointed ears denote it might have had wild cat ancestors.
Inside their cellar
Peter with barrels of port and wine
Lynne contemplating our starter of stunning chicken liver pate covered in a port jelly studded with fresh grapes
Discussing the problems of the world over good food and wine in their charming kitchen
Good wines, good food
Peter and a good selection of wines he put out for tasting
Lovely dish storage
Ancient door
John’s still life in the lamplight. 
They use solar power; no electricity is delivered to the farm
A lovely, old and very functional corner cupboard behind Yvonne
Peter and cat preparing dinner together
Super roast potatoes, sprinkled with rosemary, and some roasted butternut
A good cheesy spinach soufflé
The roast lamb is ready to be carved
The plate being filled with delicious food.
Their wonderful Boerbul dog, Diesel, who was a little grumpy, 
with a sore shoulder, on his chair

Photographs © John Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2012

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