Thursday, September 06, 2012

The great trek. Day 2 - through the Transkei to Port Alfred

Leaving Kokstad, there are several stops for one way traffic while they rebuild the N2. This one took half an hour
The Transkei has many clever entrepreneurs selling just what you might fancy while you wait to get going
A small settlement on the way. 
This lady did NOT want John to take her photograph. She was selling fruit, sweeties, chips and toffees.
Yet another stop, but a lot of money is being spent improving and widening the roads.
Lovely blue and green paints give a faintly Mediterranean feel and some very smart houses are being built. Everyone seems to have a good plot of land with livestock and a vegetable patch. Traditional Rondavels seem to be out, square houses being built instead and thatch seems also be on the way out.
The Superspar in Mtatha where you can buy Samp and beans with wors for only R20 a good helping. We bought some wine for a sundowner and some sandwiches for lunch.
Crossing the Kei River and heading into the Eastern Cape. Well-maintained roads and good road markings from here on
The riverfront at Port Alfred at dusk
Borreltijd (sundowners) with our hosts, the Colemans, at the Place on the River. Check out their website if you are going to be in the area and need somewhere to stay.
Looks like aliens approaching over the hill on the Kowie river at dusk and low tide
A creditable bottle of KWV Chenin Blanc to go with our meal at Ocean Basket, which is also on the riverside.
Grilled Cob, crispy chips and a top up of Princess prawns.  Very, very fresh and delicious
Our Zimbabwean waiter Norbert, quite a character. Very efficient and friendly too.
A riverside pub. Lovely in summertime, we bet, and probably crowded every night
Town lights looking down the Estuary to the sea
The frontage of The Place on the River.  The well-appointed self catering guest cottage is behind this.

Birds looking for pickings as the tide goes out 

Huge Black backed gulls on the jetty

The bridge span leading to the centre of town
Later, when the tide has come in
Oops, the sea wall is caving in. Lynne is well dressed as the early morning was a little chilly.
A summer place, all locked up till the beginning of the season
There be mud crabs here, apparently very large ones.
Lewis, our host, coping with the early morning
Lulu, their lovely, friendly Staffie dog
This is the house we stayed in at the Place on the River. Upstairs there are two suites sharing a kitchen area. We are just setting off to breakfast at Spur on the small boat harbour before the drive to Calitzdorp.

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