Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Waterkloof Sauvignon blanc 2012 launched with a lunch

The marvellous view from the restaurant at Waterkloof on a near perfect Autumn day in the Cape. The sea was as smooth as glass

The wine we were there to taste: The Waterkloof 2012 Sauvignon Blanc
What will it turn into when it is ready?

We gathered on the terrace before lunch
Christine Rudman and assistant winemaker Jacques van der Vyver
Cathy Marston chats to David Biggs, balancing a canapé in a glass on a glass!
Ingrid Jones of the Mango airline magazine and Farai Magwada wine steward from the Mount Nelson Hotel having an amusing chat with Waterkloof owner Paul Boutinot
Getting to know each other at table
The samples of the Sauvignon Blanc 2012 just about to be served
Paul Boutinot tells us about his passion for wine, the farm and the methods they are using
Glasses awaiting tasting
Listening, tweeting and tasting
Examining the colour and the clarity of the wine
Chef Gregory Czarnecki explains the first course
Poached Marron, basil pesto and roasted tomatoes with the hot bisque in a jug on the side
The dish with the bisque added
We started early before the restaurant filled up
The Kitchen is busy, the restaurant staff have a conference
Paul Boutinot
Chef Gregory plating up our main course...
...adds the blocks of parsnip puree...
... and the other chefs come to assist
Waterkloof red is poured in anticipation of the main course arriving. It was a very relaxed and interesting meal
Rather well hung Springbok loin with a rich beef croquette, a parsnip puree and a rich jus
A bright orange ragged autumn sun flower was the pretty table decoration
Norman McFarlane of The Bolander and David Biggs of the Cape Argus sat next to Paul Boutinot and got a chance to interview him
Making notes
Paul talks to Claudia Young-Kelly, Waterkloof’s Sales and Marketing Manager while Carl Habel, Sommelier at the Mount Nelson looks on.
Some of the delicious local soft cheeses served at the end of the meal.  A soft creamy goats cheese, a camembert, Dalewood artisan Lanquedoc and one new to us that tasted rather like a Reblochon served with Membrillo – quince paste made by the chef - and truffle honey.
Three ages of Healey cheddar cheese:  a 9 month, 12 month and an 18 month. 
Mr Biggs enjoys the Healey Cheddar with Waterkloof's own dessert straw wine
The friandise platter: dark bitter truffles, fruit pastilles and miniature madeleines
Waterkloof wines
The marvellous serving staff
One of the Waterkloof Percheron horses ploughing between the vines, as they get ready to sow the winter cover crop.
A view of the countryside and the cantilevered restaurant
An Autumn view of the winding road home down the valley at 4 in the afternoon.
© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2013

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