Monday, May 26, 2014

Fine Brandy Fusion Festival at the CTICC

Friday night saw us at this very successful show at CTICC (we are thinking of applying for monthly parking rates). Wow, was this enthusiastically attended by lots of Cape Town’s brandy-loving folk. We admit to having had a ball, even though we sipped to taste rather than drank many of the great brandies on offer. They were giving very generous portions and we do hope everyone was drinking safely and making alternative arrangements to get home afterwards. South Africa is making great brandies. We tasted only 10 year olds and older, and one French, Bisquit XO.
You start by referencing aromas found in brandy
The hall started to fill up nicely
One of the more colourful stands. Brandy cocktails in all their variations were very popular
Queuing for a taste of one of our favourite local brandies, the Laborie Alambic brandy
Watching the cooper from van Ryn make barrels is always fascinating
Tapping down the rings on the barrel has  a lovely rhythm
Shante Hutton, Wine News Editor of enjoying the show, a lot
Organiser extra-ordinaire Janice Fridjhon making a recording of the band for her daughter in Johannesburg
Did you really like that brandy?
Popular band Mi Casa wowed the crowd
This was our favourite stand.  Not too many queues and probably the best selection of fine South African brandy available. And all for tasting.
Louisenhof and Kaapzicht Potstill brandies, both from good local wine farms
Sumsaré from the Robertson valley
Luckily, this year there were several places to sit and discuss, taste and eat your dinner
Southern Cape Vineyards with their selection of brandy
And who did we meet on the Bisquit Stand? Two SA Masterchef judges Benny Masekwameng and Pete Goffe Wood.
And the lovely ladies from van Ryn who made our recent visit such fun
One of the symposia which took place throughout the show
© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2014

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