Thursday, August 14, 2014

PR-Net Trade’s LCHF presentation by Professor Tim Noakes

A chance to hear Professor Tim Noakes talking again, this time to the curious media and some of the converted, about The Real Meal Revolution, which is really taking off in Cape Town and in the rest of the country. Brian Berkman had also organised some suppliers of suitable produce and we could taste good full cream yoghurts, nut butters, seeds, nuts, wraps and smoothies from Kauai , some low or no carb foods, excellent ice cream and there were even cakes biscuits and sweets made with Xylotol.
Delicious nut butters. Lynne found that they go well in good plain yoghurt.
We needed some convincing about the coconut oils but they did a good sales job. Whether John who loathes coconut will be able to taste it in food is going to be the big question
Julie Carter of Ocean Jewels fish with Errieda Du Toit
The best example of the efficacy of the Banting diet is Brian Berkman. It has changed his life since he developed diabetes and he has lost huge amounts of weight on this life style
The man who started the revolution, Dr Tim Noakes
telling his tale
and explaining how it works, scientifically
Some sceptics and some converts. There were some very interesting questions after his speech
Nelia Vivier asks a question and tells how much weight she has lost
Kauai told us how they have changed their menu to help people who are “Banting”
Copies of the book were bought and signed
and anecdotes were swapped
We were given goodie bags of Caring Candies made with Xylotol. Should we be eating any sweets?
.... or cakes and biscuits?
Lovely fresh fish from Ocean Jewels
Julie Carter is herself a convert and has lost a lot of weight
Nuts and seeds on show
and another coconut supplier
Everyone wanted their photo taken with Tim Noakes
Janine van Zyl has produced a great range of Cold Gold ice creams for people on the diet and with dairy and gluten allergies or intolerances. Lynne tasted and they were divine. No fake flavours at all
© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2014

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