Monday, March 23, 2015

Solms Delta ATKV Oesfees 2015

We love this festival, which Solms Delta hold at the end of Harvest every year for their staff, and for the staff of surrounding wine farms, and the public. The music is very local and lekker and the atmosphere laid back and so friendly.
Happy faces cooking our lunch. The Braai lads cooking meat for all. It was very well spiced and cooked and very popular
Chicken legs cooked to perfection
Buying lunch vouchers
Salads at the ready
In the beer tent: Wine, beer and cold drinks were only sold by the (plastic) glass and no glass was allowed on the festival grounds
Some of the wares
The programme of artists for the festival, a walking display
and the programme

The Jaloersbokkies on stage at 10.55 am
At 11.35 Pieter van der Westhuizen accompanied by the enthusiastic Solms-Delta choir: Die Delta Soetestemme sang some local songs, some slightly risqué
The crowd taking up their ringside seats for the all day performance
Traditional dancers in the “Pit” while the Choir sings
joined by locals
And they put on a super display of country dancing
Spinning and twisting to the music
I love to dance!
A refreshing ale
Next came the Cape Jazz Band - Mountain Records’ premier recording artists
You could order all the Solms Delta wines on the day at special festival prices and they would then be delivered to your home (in Cape Town) free of charge
The wines on sale with some new and very exciting labels
Hot jazz from a mean saxophonist
This young fellow is only 11 and already at University. He put up a stunning performance on the drums accompanied by his dad on keyboard. They wrote the piece they played
Age doesn’t matter as long as you are enjoying yourself
Owner Mark Solms – “Die Baas van die Plaas”, as he introduced himself, giving the welcome address
And the proceedings were officially opened by Japie Gouws of sponsors ATKV
Elvis Blue, doing an endless sound check. They started late as well. Not too impressive a start
I am having a PARTY!
Lots of families enjoying the festival
Fans waiting at the front for their favourite performers
A supporter of our local Rugby team. Go Stormers!
Elvis Blue starts his performance
And the crowd start dancing
Everybody, dance to the music
or chill on the lawn
He sang his own songs for about half an hour
Recording a memory
The Biltong stand is always one of the most popular
as is the ice cream stand
Fried goodies? Not for us
Queuing for cones
A photo with their hero
After Elvis Blue’s performance, Koos Kombuis quietly took up his seat, picked up his guitar and royally entertained the crowd with his amusing songs
He had the crowd in the palm of his hand, and directed proceedings
and then Hot Water took the stage
Huge crowds enjoying the music which went on till 8 pm and finished with Emo Adams. Sadly we had to leave earlier
© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2015

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