Tuesday, June 09, 2015

MENU's Aegean Odyssey. Day 16: Epidavros

Breakfast on the first morning in Mycenae at Le Petit Planete Hotel with Vassiliki, the lovely lady who manages the hotel
It's a feast: Fresh melon, apricots and sweet oranges, cheese and tomato toasties, bread topped with feta and tomato slices, honey, yogurt, jams, cake, bread, juice and fresh coffee and on order, omelettes
On the road through the Peloponnese to Epidavros to see the amphitheatre, built in the
 4th Century BC
Up the hill in the heat. After all the hills in Istanbul, this was no trial
Walls made of stone blocks so perfectly cut that there is no space between them. It is amazing to see how good builders and masons were 2500 years ago
The Amphitheatre is not visible from most places on the site and is astounding in its size when you see it. John ventured to the top
 That is Lynne in the centre, declaiming some Shakespeare in a normal voice. The acoustics are phenomenal. Apparently you can hear a match struck from this position from any seat in the theatre
Shall we climb or sit?
Enjoying the front row seats
Centre stage
Even more incredible stone wall building
This panoramic view gives one some idea of the size and majesty of the place. It is still used for Theatre and other artistic events
It is also the birthplace of Apollo's son, Asklepios the healer, seen here with his staff and snake. The Asklepieion at Epidaurus was the most celebrated healing centre of the Classical world, the place where ill people went in the hope of being cured
Lion and Athena's crown as roof pediments
An original Corinthian column head with incredible detail
This one includes a statue of Athena and a cute pig and some sheep as waterspouts.
Restored but still impressive
The ruins of the settlement where the sick visited seeking cures
A restored corner showing how it once looked
the Stadion, where games were held
An athlete
Back to the hotel and the geraniums for an early evening ouzo or a beer
A sunset affected by the scirocco sands
Full moon rising over the Mycenae mountains
A snack to start was taramasalata (smoked cods’ roe paté) on bread topped with an olive
 Starter w
as small filo pies (tyropita), stuffed with feta & Kefalotiri cheese, and sprinkled with pink peppercorns, sesame and pomegranate syrup
Main course was slow cooked lamb, with pilau rice and a salad of beetroot, carrot and beans
Is my tooth loose?
Another carafe of white wine for dinner?
© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2015

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