Thursday, August 06, 2015

This week's recipe: Sweet Potato and Turnip Dauphinoise

This week's recipe
is Lynne's take on the Sweet Potato and Turnip Dauphinoise we were served at the Quest for the Best Wellington wines . We had this with our roast lamb on Sunday.
1 large white sweet potato, peeled - 2 turnips, topped and tailed and peeled where necessary - 30 to 40g grated Emmental cheese - 4 T double cream yoghurt - salt and freshly ground pepper - 1 T butter - 3 T chicken or vegetable stock
Using a mandolin grater if you have one, slice the potato and turnips into thin slices. Layer them alternately in a buttered baking dish, seasoning the layers as you go and spreading a layer of yoghurt and cheese between each layer. Top with cheese and some small cubes of butter and pour the stock in carefully around the edges. Bake in a 180 ⁰C oven until well done and browning on top. Serves 4
© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2015

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