Tuesday, May 09, 2017

This week's MENU recipe is Guava Fool

It's Guava season and this is so quick and easy to make. We hope you find it as delicious as we do.
1 Kg ripe guavas, peeled and chopped - juice of half a lemon – 75g caster sugar - 300ml water -
250 ml thick Ayrshire cream or real vanilla custard
Put everything into an enamel pan (don’t use metal - guavas are too acidic) and poach until the guavas are soft, this only takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Taste and, if it is not sweet enough, add a little more sugar. Mash and push through a sieve to remove all the pips; cool in the fridge, then stir in the cream. (At this point you can freeze the mixture for guava ice cream.) Put into a pretty glass bowl and decorate the top with two amaretto biscuits and a few pieces of glacĂ© fruit or maraschino cherries

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