Friday, October 06, 2017

This Week’s MENU Recipe. Old Cape Brandy Pudding

We had this dessert at Karibu restaurant, and realised that you just don't see this lovely traditional old Cape pudding very often; Malva pudding yes, but not this, which we prefer
250 g chopped dates - 175 ml boiling water - 5 ml bicarbonate of soda - 1 egg - 175 ml caster sugar - 1 pinch of salt - 15 ml butter - 75 ml cake flour - 15 ml baking powder - 250 ml chopped pecans or walnuts
Mix the chopped dates, boiling water and bicarb and leave them to soak for about 15 minutes while you start the rest of the recipe. Beat the butter and caster sugar together well , you can do this in a food processor. Add the egg and mix until creamy. Sift the dry ingredients and fold into the egg and sugar mixture alternately with the dates, using the food processor with metal blade. Remove the blade and stir in the chopped nuts
Transfer the mixture to a prepared 25 cm pie dish and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for 30 to 35 minutes
375ml white sugar - 300ml water - 5ml butter - 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract - 125ml brandy
Boil the sugar and water and add the vanilla extract and butter. Allow the syrup to cool and add the brandy. Pour the syrup over the hot pudding as soon as it has been removed from the oven

Serve hot with whipped cream or real vanilla ice cream. You can add another splash or two of brandy if you like. You can flambé it for a spectacular entry

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