Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Clifton Picnic and Moonstruck

We are avid listeners to Cape Talk Radio; it accompanies most of our working days at home. We have our Dutch friends here for a couple of months and Yvonne grew up in Clifton so when we heard about Moonstruck, a free concert organised by Cape Talk on Fourth Beach last Saturday night, we made plans to go. But, as both men hate sand between their toes, we decided to have it on the rocks overlooking the beach. The weather could not have been more perfect. Shaded by our hats we could enjoy the late afternoon together
We were a little shocked at how many kids and young people climbed over the rocks and casually used the private swimming pool of this house which has no fencing
Crowds beginning to gather on the beach for the start of the concert at 6
This small wagtail and its mate seem to have made this rock their home. There is certainly a lot of crumbs dropped there from picnics
The concert was in aid of the National Sea Rescue Association (NSRI), our Lifeboat Association, a very popular charity. And they gave us a small 'drive past" at the beginning of the concert. And kept watch on the swimmers in the bay
Some very impressive boats arrived
Lion’s Head and Clifton with the small flotilla enjoying the concert
Swimming from the shore to the boats were some very good swimmers. Well they made it this time
A party going on
A golden girl on a golden sea. Quite a new sport here is Stand Up Paddle boarding aka SUP, and while the sea is calm and the wind not blowing, it is very popular
The concert stage and the crowd. No alcohol was allowed on the beach, just water and cool drinks, and we saw it being stringently policed. You could also taste food from Simply Asia
The sun beginning to set on a perfect day. And, in the sky above the Twelve Apostles, just a glimmer of a silvery shimmer of the waning crescent moon
The concert finished at 8 just as the sun set.  People continued to picnic on the rocks. We headed home then as we knew the traffic was going to be difficult

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