Thursday, February 22, 2018

This Week's MENU. A Clifton Picnic, Black Sheep supper, Franschhoek & lunch at Mont Rochelle, Lime sorbet, Glen Carlou Curator’s Chenin

Sunset picnic on the rocks, Clifton
We say it often and we sometimes have to pinch ourselves to make sure that it’s real, even though we have both lived here on and off since the late 1940s and consistently for about the last 30 years. This is one of the world’s most beautiful and interesting places. We are entertaining friends from the Netherlands, who visit every year at about this time. One comment from them is that people at their home ask why they come back each year; don’t they get bored with seeing the same thing over and over again. Their reply is that they are never bored. There is so much to see that they seldom re-visit any of the places they have seen.
We are avid listeners to Cape Talk Radio; it accompanies most of our working days at home. We have our Dutch friends here for a couple of months and Yvonne grew up in Clifton so when we heard about Moonstruck, a free concert organised by Cape Talk on Fourth Beach last Saturday night, we made plans to go. But, as both men hate sand between their toes, we decided to have it on the rocks overlooking the beach. The weather could not have been more perfect. Shaded by our hats, we could enjoy the late afternoon together
To say we have been trying to get to this restaurant for a long time would not be an exaggeration. We know the Chef Owner Jonathan Japha from his days at Fork Tapas restaurant in Long Street. It says on their website that he has love for UK gastropubs "that inspire his love for honest, uncomplicated good food made with the best local ingredients". But time and tide washed us to other shores. So when friends phoned to say they had a reservation but family had postponed and were we free, we jumped at the opportunity. It is their favourite restaurant in Cape Town, probably because there is a good selection of vegetarian options on this large menu, which changes regularly
It was all about the views. Oh and some restaurants. And of course wine. We took our Dutch friends to Franschhoek this week, at their request and showed them some beautiful wine farms, good restaurants and amazing views on the trip. And we tasted a few wines and had lunch. They are looking for a special restaurant to celebrate a birthday next month.
The newly released 2017 Curators Collection Chenin Blanc which blew our minds. Wow. This complex wine plays a tune on your palate - we foresee lots of awards for this vintage. It is an absolutely delicious rendition of what we would like Chenin to be. Wood shows on the end but Pianissimo. It has flavours of lemon, lime, golden peaches, loquats and litchi.
The heat is getting to us so we can only think of cool things. Which made us think about a sorbet. They are not difficult to make if you have a freezer or an ice cream machine, but they must be made with strong flavours as the ice can make them bland. This is John's daughter Clare's favourite sorbet. Limes are coming into season, so you should be able to find them. Great if you are dairy challenged. Limes are sometimes difficult to juice, make sure you buy enough and that they are not stone hard

1 cup of water - 1 cup of sugar - 1 cup of lime juice - 1 teaspoon of finely grated zest of lime
Heat the sugar in the water till the sugar melts, then add the lime juice. Simmer gently for three minutes. Cool completely and then add the zest. Put into your ice cream machine and churn till set. Freeze, covered, till ready to use.
If you don't have a machine, pour the mixture into a shallow metal baking tin and cover. Put in your freezer until completely frozen, about 2 hours. Then break the frozen mixture into pieces and place in a blender; blend until smooth. Place in a container and store, covered, in the freezer until ready to serve

22nd February 2018

© John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus 2017
PS If a word or name is in bold type and underlined, click on it for more information
Phones: +27 21 439 3169 / 083 229 1172 / 083 656 4169
Postal address: 60 Arthurs Rd, Sea Point 8005
Recommendations of products and outside events are not solicited or charged for, and are made at the authors’ pleasure. All photographs, recipes and text used in these newsletters and our blogs are © John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus. Our restaurant reviews are usually unsolicited. We prefer to pay for our meals and not be paid in any way by anyone. Whether we are invited or go independently, we don’t feel bad if we say we didn’t like it. Honesty is indeed our best policy. While every effort is made to avoid mistakes, we are human and they do creep in occasionally, for which we apologise. This electronic journal has been sent to you because you have personally subscribed to it or because someone you know has asked us to send it to you or forwarded it to you themselves. Addresses given to us will not be divulged to any person or organisation. We collect them only for our own promotional purposes. If you wish to be added to our mailing list, please click here to send us a message and if you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please click here to send us a me

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