Thursday, March 28, 2019

Active Sushi supper

The need for regular intake of Sushi is compelling, so this week we tried a new place in town called Active Sushi. They must have the worst signage we have ever seen - or not seen as you can see from this photo. Yes that white haze is the name in neon. It is in a cursive script that is almost impossible to read from the street when you are driving slowly past. They are in the Portside Building, 4 Bree Street. The wind was howling and we found parking very easily at 7 pm
We had reserved a table and the restaurant was busy; 
we suspect from office workers eating before going home at this time of day
We like the quirky decor of modern and old mix. A 'mural' of old decorated plates and a Persian carpet, good chairs,
a plush sofa bench and very plain but serviceable tables. And bamboo plants on the tables and in the windows
We took along this wine which we had been sent by Groote Post to sample. It’s the new vintage of a wine we had already made our Wine of the Week in a previous year. SeaSalter is another superb Sauvignon blanc from Darling (with about 10% Semillon) and, if you want the perfect wine to pair with sushi, this is it. We enquired if they charged corkage and it is R60 a bottle. We were not very impressed with the wine list and, as they charge R45 for a glass of quite ordinary white and R55 for a glass of red wine, we were happy to pay it. One very nice touch is the frozen grapes to cool down your wine instead of putting ice blocks in it and suffering the dilution, not that we would. The staff were fairly friendly and efficient but anonymous. We really like it when they introduce themselves. They were busy so we didn’t get a chance to ask them. We discovered, from the bill that our waitress was called Sanele
The drinks menu. We'd not heard of many of the wines, but the selection of Bubblies is very good!
Tablecloths are sheets of white butcher’s paper, so you can have fun doodling while you wait. Service was reasonably quick.
We had a Hyperli special, a platter of 32 mixed sushi for R165. If you count, you can see we were treated to an extra piece. We asked for no cucumber and they were happy to oblige. The salmon was very fresh on the sashimi and roses. We liked the modern sushi with the drizzle of a warm chilli sauce, which was filled with what tasted like pork loin. Perhaps chicken? And the prawn inside/outside rolls were fine. However, they really let themselves down with the rice. Some of it seemed like it was hours, if not a day, old and was a sticky mush that felt as though it would glue our teeth together. It so spoils things like salmon roses and other pieces. We always look for nice fresh pearly rice with sushi
Our bill for the corkage and service for the total with the voucher

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