Friday, June 14, 2019

On the MENU this week. Pea, Lentil and Ham Hock Soup

It is definitely winter in Cape Town this week. We have had some good rain and the temperature has dropped to single figures. So warming and nourishing soup is the order of the day.  This is one we love and it is very easy to make.  And it will do for a couple of meals for a small family

200g Split peas– 200g red split lentils – 1 tablespoon oil - 2 onions, finely chopped
2 large carrots, diced – 2 long celery sticks, diced – 1 ham hock – 2 bay leaves
a good handful of chopped thyme - salt and black pepper
Pour boiling water over the peas and lentils to cover them and allow them to soak for an hour or two. Drain. In a large soup pan with a cover, fry the onions until just taking on colour in a tablespoon of oil and then add the carrots and celery.  Continue to cook for about 5 minutes to soften the vegetables. Add the peas, lentils, herbs and the ham hock. Cover with water – about 2 or 3 litres and bring to a simmer. Simmer gently until the ham hock starts to fall apart and the pulses have melted down. Remove the hock and the bay leaves from the soup, take off all the skin and fat and roughly chop up the meat and replace it in the soup. Feed the skin, fat and bone to your hungry dog, or the neighbours. Taste and adjust the seasoning by adding salt and a good grinding or two of black pepper. Be careful, some ham hocks are quite salty. Serve with crisp croutons and some good red wine.  We had this with our Wine of the Week, Tanagra Cabernet Franc, and it went so well

All content ©  John & Lynne Ford, Adamastor & Bacchus

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