Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Riebeeck Valley weekend. 2. Allesverloren

An icy morning mist kissed the whole valley on Saturday morning
as we headed to our first wine tasting appointment at Allesverloren (tr. All is lost)

Behind the far mountain is the Tulbagh valley, another wine area we want to visit
Amanda was waiting for us and had chairs and a table arranged in a horseshoe on the tasting room terrace
Looking out over the wintering vines
We made ourselves comfortable
Amazing light and layers of frosty blue
Looking down towards the dam
Amanda took us through their entire range of wines nice and quickly
We heard some history of the farm and the Malan family who own it; the son of the current patriarch is the 6th generation
Tinta Rosé is a blend of Tinta Barocca and Touriga Naçional, with some other varietals in small measure,
and is full of strawberry and raspberry flavours, very quaffable. R79 on the farm
John bought a case for us to enjoy in summer, or possibly before, with a curry - Thai or Indian
The Tres Vermelhos 2017 is a refined blend of Souzão, Tinta Barocca and Touriga Naçional, very well made. R275
Lynne loved the 2017 Tinta Barocca with its full fruit, spice, licorice and chocolate, with warmth, and bought some
And we could not resist buying some of the excellent 2012 Fine Old Vintage (Port) with its red velvet nose,
complex and elegant, this has layers of dark berry fruit and vanilla
They have a small herd of springbok in the field below the tasting room
The mist was clearing and it was sunny and becoming warmer when we said thank you to Amanda
and moved on to our next appointment at Meerhof
Lynne spotted this lively Cape sparrow (Passer melanurus, known locally as a Mossie) in the vines on the roof of the tasting room
Enjoying the warmth of the sun
And we captured this House sparrow (Passer domesticus) with his black beak and bib doing the same
Long lenses are wonderful things if you love birds

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