Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Thank you for subscribing to MENU

Your voluntary subscription helps us to cover our expenses

MENU is produced, on average, 45 weeks per year

We leave it to you to decide the amount of your subscription
We suggest a voluntary annual subscription of R100, which is less than R2.50 per week
(roughly the price of a mid range bottle of wine)
 In International currencies R100 is approximately £5.80/€6.30/$7.10

Please click here to send us your subscription via PayPal
For South African subscribers, Subscribe with PayFast
MENU has appeared nearly every week since March 2003, initially as a free newsletter from our shop, Main Ingredient, and has been sent to our subscribers by email. Many of our subscribing readers have followed us from our earliest days and we appreciate their support

It is also published as a blog, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram and gives our personal view of events relating to food, wine, accommodation and travel in photo stories, as well as weekly recipes and wine reviews

Since 2013, we have travelled abroad for about a month each year

Countries we have visited are France, Turkey, Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Portugal and Spain. This year, we will visit England and Scotland and publish stories as we travel

Our travel stories, inside and outside South Africa can be seen at http://www.mainingredient.biz/travelogues.php

If you’d like to subscribe by email, please click on the link at the top of this page
We appreciate your support!

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