Friday, November 15, 2019

On the MENU this week. Fennel and Pear Salad

It seems that we may be about to enjoy a period of warmer weather, so it is back to eating salads for us. This is something very easy to put together and rather unusual. We think you will like it. If you have a mandolin grater, it makes thinly shaving the fennel very easy

The original recipe has watercress instead of rocket in the dressing. We can no longer get watercress in South Africa as it is an invasive species and I found that peppery rocket works just as well. Do not overcook the potatoes, if you can get the waxy ones, they work well. 
175g fennel, thinly sliced - 2 ripe pears, peeled and diced – 225g diced cooked potato – 50g toasted almonds, roughly chopped
Combine the above ingredients
Dressing: 150ml soured cream – 15ml lemon juice – 30g rocket
6 spring onions, chopped – salt and pepper
Blend these in a liquidiser, then lightly toss the salad with the dressing, adjust seasoning and serve.

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