Thursday, February 13, 2020

On the MENU This Week. Boerewors and Broccoli Carbonara Pasta

We had some family over on Sunday for a braai and lots of good food and wine were enjoyed. Lynne’s sister brought an enormous pack of Boerewors from Woolie's and quite a bit was left over. Now, what to do with left over barbecued sausage? Lynne found a recipe on the BBC, which she adapted, and it was so successful, we thought you might like to give it a go. You don’t HAVE to use left-over sausage, you could just cook some fresh and then use it. Cumberland sausage is the closest to Boerewors. But pork sausage might work just as well. If using fresh, you could press the meat out of the sausage skins and make into small meatballs. If so, do cook through properly. 

2 T olive oil – plus/minus 20 cm cooked boerewors, cut into slices - 3 eggs - 50g parmesan grated, plus extra to serve (optional) – 25 g blue cheese - 300g dry spaghetti or pasta of your choice - 1 head of broccoli, broken into small florets - 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

Put a pan of well salted water on to boil for the pasta. Mix together the eggs, cheese and some seasoning with a fork, in a jug.

Cook the pasta following pack instructions. Add the broccoli for the final 3 minutes. 

Meanwhile, in a large frying pan, heat the oil and fry the cooked sausage gently till it is hot but not drying out, adding the sliced garlic near the end. Do not let the garlic burn or it will be bitter. Just keep it warm while the pasta is cooking. 

When the pasta and broccoli are cooked, drain, reserving a cup of the cooking water. Then add the pasta to the sausage pan. Take the pan off the heat. Toss everything together, then add the egg mixture. Stir the sauce through the pasta for 1-2 minutes. The heat from the pan will cook the sauce – if the sauce is too thick, use a little of the reserved cooking water to thin it. Divide between pasta bowls and serve with extra Parmesan, if you like. Enjoy! Good with a robust red wine like our wine of the week. 
Serves 3 or 4
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