Thursday, July 08, 2021

Mouille Point Evening Photo Essay

We do feel rather trapped in our homes during a lock down, especially when we know that there is a very infectious strain of Covid going rampant. But we do need fresh air and a regular change of scene so, late on Sunday afternoon, we decided to take a walk on the beachfront at Mouille Point. Anyone going for a walk in the evening on the Sea Point, Mouille Point and Bantry Bay beachfront can say that the area has literally gone to the dogs. Dogs, on and off leads, were having a great time on the lawns while their people exercised. South Africans love their animals, domestic and wild

Rain clouds over golfers on a tee at the Metropolitan Golf Club
with Green Point, Signal Hill and Devil's Peak in the background

Well, you have had your run, now I need a stretch

The last houses left on the beachfront
Can the owners resist the offers developers may make to build a block of flats on the space?

If they sell, will the Guest House next door also succumb?
With restaurants closed, they seemed to be doing good business with take-aways

There are a lot of homeless people at the moment and they are forced to beg as they get little support
He is not admiring the view, but looking for potential donors. Who knows where he will sleep tonight...

The start of the promenade, next to the Mouille Point beach

where we met a very enthusiastic husky enjoying his time on the beach

I'm watching you; the alert ice blue-eyed husky watches

The Green Point Lighthouse does good duty at this time of year, although most ships do have good electronic navigation
First lit on 12th April 1824, it was the first solid lighthouse structure on the South African coast
and is the oldest operational lighthouse in South Africa

Most people we saw were wearing their masks

Rain clouds coming in and the surf is up
Even though we live about 65 metres above the sea, we hear it roaring at night, quite a soporific sound

As the waves go back, water runs through gaps in the rocks

Daughter, dog, Dad, waiting for Mum to catch up

There were quite a lot of walkers, but everyone we saw kept well separated

Dogs, who have just met, having a wonderful romp on the lawns
No cares about masks or social distancing

This is a good space for exercising dogs
We saw runners, cyclists, skate boarders, power walkers and many, like us, just strolling and enjoying the fresh air
The city of Cape Town's sewage outlet is in the sea 2 kilometres off this Point and if the North-wester is blowing,
which it was, the air is sadly tinged with its reek. You don’t smell it in summer. Masks helped

The setting sun sends down rays of golden light in a spray from behind a cloud as sunset begins at 5.30pm

Looking back at the Mouille Point promenade and flats

and forward at the Sea Point sea front

Vroom, vroom: this one actually had an electric motor and an enthusiastic future Formula 1 racer

The setting sun begins to light up the windows of the apartments as walkers start to head home

Children enjoying the playground

There were many ships waiting in the Roads, this one was heading up the coast

Beauty in motion, the grace and wonder of flight

The rain began and we had to run to the car and head home for a good fire and Sunday night supper

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