Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Cape Wine 2022

The Cape Wine Expo is held every four years and is a very large and important event for the South African wine industry
as many overseas buyers, representatives and media are invited to come to this superb showcase of South African wines
It was held in the Cape Town International Convention Centre on 5-7th October
Organised by Wines of South Africa (WOSA), it was a very successful show this year
We heard that there were visitors from over 60 countries

Comments that we heard from several different foreign visitors were
that the quality of South African wine continues to improve while value for money is a given;
the reputation for value should be stressed less than the overall reputation for producing excellent wines
The cohesiveness of the industry was also noticed, with the importance of co-operation between producers being noted
Our winemakers appear more inclined than those elsewhere to talk to each other and share knowledge
This is exemplified by the existence of industry associations
such as the Chenin blanc,  Pinotage, and Sauvignon blanc associations
and groups such as the Cape Winemakers Guild and Piwosa

The check in was very well organised

Margaux Nel and Leon Coetzee representing The Fledge and Boplaas wines from "SA Port capital" Calitzdorp
Boplaas makes a huge range of wines, but is internationally respected for their Port style wines
Margaux is Boplaas winemaker;
she and her husband Leon buy in grapes from many different areas and make excellent wines under their own label

Wine producer Neil Ellis shares a joke with Martin Moore, cellarmaster of Durbanville Hills

Amorim Cork CEO António Rios de Amorim with Portuguese Consul-General Jorge Teixeira de Sampayo,
Joaquim de Sa, CEO of Amorim Cork South Africa and Heidi Duminy CWM, Principal of the Cape Wine Academy

The Amorim Speakers Corner housed a series of tastings, open to all, but it was first come, first served

Bernard Dewey head of Sales and Marketing at Chamonix Estate in Franschhoek with Neil Bruwer, the winemaker

Wine promoter Thomas Mills with a magnum of naturally fermented Filia sparkling wine

Christa von la Chevallerie showing her wines from the Swartland on a stand featuring prominent women winemakers

Lomond winemaker Hannes Meyer with Korean visitors
Lomond is in the cool climate Agulhas Triangle, our most southerly wine region

Andre Morgenthal and Nadia Hefer of the Old Vines Project with eminent viticulturist Rosa Kruger,
who was recently the recipient of a very special award from Decanter magazine
She is their 2022 addition to Decanter's Hall of Fame

Mariette and Richard Kershaw MW with the excellent Richard Kershaw wines from Elgin

John Collins, Johan and Sofie Kruger showing the Kruger Family wines

The horrendous queue for lunch. The Catering staff at the Convention Centre had forgotten everything they ever knew
about dealing with large numbers of people who want, nay need lunch
Lynne had to queue for over 40 minutes and when she reached the front was told, "sorry,
only hamburgers or chicken burgers are being served"
She had wanted a simple sandwich or a smoked salmon bagel
She sat waiting at a small table for another 20 minutes until she was served. It was chaotic

and this finally arrived. Undercooked cold chips were not the only crime

The burger was still frozen in the middle and completely raw, so inedible
There were very angry people and from then on most of us brought in food from home
It is not as if there are many other venues or choices near the Convention Centre and,
having walked miles each day at the exhibition, no one was keen to walk another mile or two
to get something to eat and drink
Surely they could have provided pre-prepared packs of sandwiches 
to have available for the crowds of visitors and stand holders
One good thing was that some of the experienced staff, and there were not many among the surly unwilling faces,
did try very hard to help and they must be commended

A topographical map produced by Douglas Green Bellingham (DGB),
showing the Cape Winelands’ different temperature zones and elevations

Liza Goodwin GM and winemaker at Fryer's Cove on the Cape West Coast with Stephan Joubert of DGB

The stand  of the avante garde group of young winemakers who call themselves the Zoo Cru was very popular

Thinus Krüger, CEO & President, Winemaker, Grape crusher and Sole employee of Fram Wines
(as described on his web site) was on the Zoo Cru stand

as was Trizanne Barnard with her Trizanne wines

Thank you De Krans; besides making excellent wines and ports,
they have now produced a White Port and Tonic mix to enjoy
One of our favourite ways to enjoy port as a sundowner before a meal

De Krans owner Boets Nel talking to a visitor about his wines

Kathy Jordan with the new Jordan Assyrtiko, the first of that varietal planted in South Africa
The Jordans are planting grapes which are suited to a warmer climate because of the global warming threat
Assyrtiko is originally from the Greek island Santorini

and they showed Jordan's Mousehall Gin from their property in Sussex
It is not yet available in South Africa as they do not have the required 750ml bottles
Spirits are marketed in 700ml bottles in Britain

Kathy Jordan, Thea van der Merwe and Gary Jordan manned the Jordan sector of the Piwosa exhibit

Ken Forrester with Leonette Laubscher, promoting his Stellenbosch wines with his engaging smile

and his superb range of Chenins

Andries Burger, Paul Cluver cellarmaster and Sebastian Beaumont, owner/winemaker at Beaumont in Bot River

Beautifully designed export labels from Almenkerk wines, with a nod to their Flemish heritage,
tempting you to buy their excellent wines from Elgin

Melissa Nelsen showed her popular Genevieve Cap Classiques from Bot River

Arco Laarman showed his wines. We particularly liked his Chenin blanc

Feathered ladies promoting the historic Constantia Valley

Klein Constantia showed their Sauvignon blanc and Cap Classique
and, of course, the iconic Vin de Constance dessert wine

Roger Burton, Constantia Royale winemaker, showed his Sauvignon blancs from this boutique Constantia farm

Dan Nicholl of the Dan Really Likes Wine online show
with Roger Burton, Siobhan Thompson CEO of WOSA and Dan’s assistant

The Accolade Wines stand appeared to be a popular venue

 Charne van Tonder of Ayama showed their wines, including their Vermentino
Ayama planted South Africa’s first Vermentino vineyard

Elfie Davie and Bruwer Raats showing the superb Raats Family range of wines

including his excellent Chenins

Johnathan Grieve of Avondale with Johan Joubert and Frans Smit of Spier

Nicky Pentz and Lukas Wentzel with Isabeau Botha and Yolandi de Wet showed their Groote Post wines from Darling,
including their superb SeaSalter, a Sauvignon blanc with a dash of Semillon

Suné and Bartho Eksteen visited the Groote Post stand from their Hemel en Aarde wine estate

The day's mad outfit for Zoo Cru member, rockstar winemaker Duncan Savage
with his very special Follow the Line Cinsault with a dash of Shiraz
Well, dressing up certainly got them noticed

That says it all Tiger!

Jacqueline Lahoud and Christian Eedes of Winemag with winemaker Nic van Aarde of Oldenburg

Luke O'Cuinnegan and Laura Sullivan of Vergelegen. Luke very recently moved to Vergelegen from Glenelly

Cellarmaster Alastair Rimmer and owner Wendy Appelbaum of De Morgenzon

Christo, Etienne and Yvonne le Riche with their family’s highly regarded Stellenbosch red wines

John attended one seminar entitled 2022 Perold Cape Blend Winners,
presented by Anri and Beyers Truter of Beyerskloof

A Cape Blend should comprise between ±30% and ±70% Pinotage

Rob, Sam and Chris Boustred of Remhoogte in Stellenbosch

Remhoogte's range is primarily composed of very good red wines
Their premium white, Honeybunch Chenin blanc has been a favourite of ours for many years

Two Kevins, Arnold and Grant. Kevin Arnold, having left Waterford is now busy with new projects of his own
 Kevin Grant produces some of the best Chardonnays and Pinot noirs at Ataraxia in the Hemel en Aarde

Kevin Grant with Swedish writer Madeleine Stenwreth MW

Attie Louw of Opstal Estate in the Slanghoek Valley
We were very impressed with his limited edition Semillon and have always been fans of his Carl Everson Chenin blanc

Harald Bresselschmidt, Chef Patron of Aubergine restaurant with Werner Muller and Andrew Gunn of Iona

Wendy Appelbaum, owner of De Morgenzon in Stellenboschkloof

and her cellarmaster Alastair Rimmer showed their range of excellent wines

Henk van Niekerk and his wife Monica produce Paul René Cap Classiques between Robertson and MacGregor

Like several other prominent producers, JP Colmant and Paul Gerber of Colmant Cap Classique
didn’t have an exhibit, but were there to talk
The event was oversubscribed and we learned from one of the organisers
that the cost of hiring space for the 30 or so producers who missed the cut
was too far in excess of the additional revenue that would have been provided by their fees

Welgegund Winemaker Friedrich Kühne and Sales and marketing manager Emy Mathews

Hill & Dale GM and Winemaker Guy Webber anKatja Ruppel, Marketing Controller at Iwayini Pty Ltd

Singita Premier Wine Direct General Manager Francois Rautenbach
with Dawid Nieuwoudt and Angela Fourie on the Cederberg Wines stand
Congratulations to Angela who produced a baby a few days after the show closed

Heinrich Bothman of De Wetshof with Stephan Joubert of DGB

Winemaker Werner Muller with owners Rozie and Andrew Gunn of Elgin estate Iona

Nicky Versveld was there to show his wines. We love his Sauvignon blanc and Semillon

Ina Smith, Manager of the Chenin Blanc Association manned their exhibit

Owners Gavin and Ewan Wilson, showed their Lothian Wines made for them in Elgin by Richard Kershaw

Hannes Storm, owner/winemaker of Storm Wines in the Hemel en Aarde Valley with Karen Visser CWM

Gordon and Bevan Newton Johnson, producers of the highly acclaimed Newton Johnson wines in the Hemel en Aarde
Gordon is the current chair of the Cape Winemakers Guild

Craig Wessels owner/winemaker of Restless River, a small but hugely respected producer of Hemel en Aarde wines

And what a joyous end to the show
Villiera director Cathy Grier Brewer CWM celebrating with young people who'd admired her shoes

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