Sunday, July 14, 2024

Time Out Market Winter Wine at the V&A Waterfront

We were invited to this event and had no idea what we were in for
It was some of the best fun tasting wine we have ever had.  Cheers!
There will not be many, if any, wine descriptions as Lynne was on medication and could not taste a thing that day
So sad, as there was great wine available to taste
However, they had a game of wine Bingo going on and you had to ask questions of the wine pourers
to get a sticker and fill up your sheet.  It was hilarious

The Time Out Market was built as Cape Town Council’s Dock Road Power Station, commissioned in 1904

Based on the original Lisbon Time Out Market, which we visited in 2018, the layout and the vibe is very similar
We love sharing tables and meeting new people

Behind the check-in desk one can see the old power station's overhead engine room crane,
still in position above the upper gallery
We collected our glasses and climbed up to the gallery where the wine tasting tables were

Tom Mills with adoring fans! He was the "Name you cannot Speak" Tom Riddle in the Bingo

Wines from La Vierge in Hemel and Aarde Valley

More in the ice bucket

Niels Verburg showed his Luddite wines

and was having a good event

His Luddite and Saboteur wines, the latter unusual for wines of quality in that they are closed with crown corks

Isak Nieuwoudt showing Newton Johnson wines

Looking down at the food court

The long bar upstairs

More of the wines to taste.  They were also running a blind tasting competion which was very popular

Oak Valley Office and Logistics Manager Fabio Turilli

Oak Valley Chardonnay please! It's one of John's favourites

Malusi Maghodi with Villiera wines

Their superb crisp Cap Classique, one wine Lynne could taste and enjoy

Mooiplaas winemaker Bertus Basson, no relation to the eponymous chef, with his delicious Houmoed Chenin blanc

Malusi Maghodi pouring Villiera Cap Classique for convenor Dane Raath


 and Spencer Fondaumiere, representing the South African Sommeliers Association

Gregory Haigh with easy drinking wines made by Brookdale winemaker Kiara Scott

Some very different labels with a sense of fun

The event was designed to appeal to a young, ambitious clientele and appeared to have succeeded

Live music too

Isak Nieuwoudt with Newton Johnson fans

Skanyiso Tshaya and Mihlali Tshongaye from Quoin Rock
Lynne and her partner each won a bottle of their red wine in a competition
Two minutes to draw wine words in pictures and her partner had to identify the words

You can look down at the food court where chefs from popular Cape Restaurants serve some of their dishes

Ramenhead is Peter Tempelhoff's Ramen restaurant in Pariament Square

Chef Bertus Basson's De Vrije Burger is in Stellenbosch

Pizza ordered by a young American couple who sat across the table from us. Made by Eugene Smith’s YARD outlet

We ordered two burgers and you are given a device that buzzes when your food is ready so you can go and fetch it 

Does chef Bertus Basson pay a royalty to thriller author Deon Meyer for using his anti-hero Bennie Griesel's name?

Our two burgers came in good buns, were a bit overcooked but tasted good and the chips were epic and very crisp
We only eat chips now and then when we are out; we don't like frying food at home. A real treat

And the free ice cream with sprinkles is fun, if its messy, it reminds one what it was like to be five years old

As we left, the Waterfront's festivities were in full swing

This young woman saw John taking photographs and asked him to take hers
She was given a card and asked to send an email address so that we could send a copy,
but no word has been received

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