Wednesday, November 03, 2021

In MENU This Week – Lanzerac Pinotage turns 60, Glen Carlou Lunch, Karoo Odyssey Part One, Calitzdorp

Three thousand Kilometres driven, 1500 exposures in cameras and two weeks of escape from the locked down world we have inhabited since early 2020. The Lanzerac celebration was the day before we left, so publishing the story had to wait until after our return. Our last road trip was a circumnavigation of the UK in 2019 and a trip in our own country was overdue. John’s mother and grandmother came from the Camdeboo region of the Karoo and Lynne had never been there, so it became a round trip through the Karoo, down to Addo National Park, along the Garden Route and then to Robertson before coming home. This week’s stories cover our time in Calitzdorp. We enjoyed it very much; we hope that you will too. Please click on the headlines and photographs below to see what we did

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Lanzerac Pinotage

What a way to break a long fast. We were among the 50 individuals who were sent an invitation to be part of the story of South African Pinotage and to celebrate its 60th anniversary. We have been in a very long drought as far as stories to cover are concerned and this was a very good way to get back into the flow. Covid has changed things so much in the industry. The invitation read: "Let’s celebrate the 60th Anniversary of a courageous beginning. A collaboration between two historic estates, which led to the establishment of an enduring South African icon. Lanzerac and Bellevue Estates are celebrating and want you to join us."  Read on…

Lunch and tasting at Glen Carlou

Invitations to visit wine farms have rightly been few and far between because of Covid, but we do hope things will improve, now that many people have been vaccinated and farms have learned to put the necessary protocols in place to protect their staff and visitors. We were very happy to accept an invitation to visit Glen Carlou wine estate to taste their wines and enjoy a lovely lunch on the terrace last Sunday. The farm is situated in Klapmuts, on the Simondium Road, and has superb views over the valley to Agter Paarl. The winemaker is Johnny Canitz and the chef is Johan Stander. Read on…

MENU visits the Karoo and the Garden Route 1. Calitzdorp - De Krans and 365 on St Helena

Oh what a joy to be on the road again. We left home at 9h15 and headed off to Calitzdorp via the N1 and Route 62. Traffic in town and all the way to the R300 was hectic; so many trucks and so many fools. Then things thinned out and by the time we got to the du Toit's Kloof tunnel, it was just as we like it. The sun was out as we came through at the other end into one of the most spectacular valleys in Africa. Huge mountains either side; magnificent stone buttresses of such strength and age. Read on…

MENU visits the Karoo and the Garden Route 2. Calitzdorp - Axe Hill

Day 2 of the trip. The bird life here has been very varied. There is a pepper tree outside our cottage and two beautiful male Olive Thrushes visited us this morning, a pair of small doves was contemplating a nest, John photographed a barn swallow and we have seen lots of swifts in the late afternoon, scooping insects in the warm thermals. Today was all about wine and port in Calitzdorp. Knowing this, we had a very good breakfast. Mike Neebe at Axe Hill, whom we have known since we sold his first port in our shop Main Ingredient, had invited us to visit and taste with him. Read on…

MENU visits the Karoo and the Garden Route 3. Calitzdorp - Lunch at Bakhuis

We finally left Axe Hill at a quarter to two and headed for Die Bakhuis, a restaurant down Wesoewer Road, off the R62, in which Mike Neebe has an interest. We really needed food fast to fill the void and they make good Pizzas, Hamburgers and Trinchado. We ate on their small terrace, watching so many birds flitting about the trees and splashing in some escaped leiwater below; definitely stop there if you are a twitcher. Then we ventured into town to find an ATM as our next accommodation only takes cash. Read on…

MENU visits the Karoo and the Garden Route 4. Calitzdorp - Boplaas

Our next appointment was at Boplaas. Margaux Nel, who was away at the seaside with her family that weekend, had arranged a special tasting for us with the Tasting room manager, Annerie. She asked what we wanted to taste and we said, "Just bring us what you think we would like to taste". And she did. Another essential to visit when you visit Calitzdorp. They have a good wine selection, very good ports and brandy, gin and whisky. There are vintage wines that you can taste (not often available at wineries, so rather special) and Muscadels. It was another super tasting. They spoil you in Calitzdorp. Read on…

MENU visits the Karoo and the Garden Route 5. Calitzdorp - Peter Bayly Wines

Day 3 of the Trip. Time is going rather fast! It was a lovely clear warm day when we left our accommodation. It was going to be a day of exciting (!) travel. We had so enjoyed our time in hospitable Calitzdorp. Before we left town, we bought the Sunday Times and filled up with petrol. Then it was off into the kloofs to visit Peter and Yvonne Bayly to taste their wines and ports. Read on…

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